Our Garments’ Makers, part 10

This time the face of the Our Garments’ makers series is Riikka Oliveira, CEO and co-owner of Black Moda Portugal. She holds all the threads in her hands and makes sure that the work in the various departments of the sewing company goes as smoothly as possible.

Riikka Oliveira

Job title
I am CEO of Black Moda Portugal, Lda.

Your previous work experience?
I worked in the company in similar assignments before being CEO of Black Moda Portugal.

When did you start Black Moda in Portugal?
I worked in Black Moda since 9th July of 2008.

How did you find out about this company?
After a lot of reflection decided together with my brother Marko Keski-Vähälä that we were going to create Black Moda.

How has your job changed during this time?
The thing that I consider that has changed the most is technology that as times goes by requires more know-how. Nowadays the work is mainly made with computers which inicially wasn’t.

Consumers requirement has changed also, they are more demanding and ethical, social and environmental questions has more weight in the purchase.

What is your normal working day like? What kind of things or tasks does your work day consist of?
Usually I start by reading emails and seeing the situation in each department. I don’t make a weekly work plan. I usually go day by day, because if some department has a problem they  get my attention until situation is solved.

Important task of mine is to make production cost accounting, product pricing, negotiate with suppliers, search for new qualities and always keep me updated of the industrial and economic situation.

With which department do you work most together?
Comercial department.

What is the best thing about your job? What brings joy to your work?
For me the best thing is that each day is different, I don’t know what to expect when arriving to work because we are in constant change.

What poses the most challenges in your work?
Having the best prices possible with retaining the quality.

I always try to find the best delivery time, fast and high quality production.

What improves your motivation at work?
 Requirement: always do the best possible.

How do you relax in your free time?
I like hiking, watching TV series and have quality time on my own.

What kind of greetings do you want to send to production customers in Finland?
I as professional always look to stay updated with the most recent technologies, new qualities and new working methods to always exceed market expectations.

What kind of greetings do you want to send to consumers in Finland?

I am very demanding, I look pieces we make as those where made to me, because I want consumers to have the best quality, to feel beautiful, confident and successful when wearing our pieces.

And when people have their favourite piece in the wardrobe and it is made by us, that is an achievement.